Friday 15 August 2008

How the f*ck are we even gonna get to be 60?

OK. Todays post will be a little different from the posts I normally make here, but here it goes: With the world swirling downwards a very dark spiral with wars, threats, capitalism, global warming etc? First of all, the climate is changing, whether it's due to humans or not is irrelevant. It DOES matter when it comes to drinking water, ability to grow food, enlarging deserts, evergrowing population etc. at the same time, capitalistic companies make the rich more rich and suck out more from the poor of the world. With resources growing scarcer and scarcer due to more people, less decent soil to grow in, less drinking/watering water, higher prices on food due to this, a world war is imminent. it's inevitable actually. And then we have the foreign politics of the US (I'm not blaming the American people totally, since you're unable to do anything about it) which, due to the global situation, both are compelled to act in certain ways to keep the global position (these acts mainly exists of showing how big dicks they have by threatening/going to war with "terrorists" etc), because if they don't do this, the world order would change, which would produce dire consequences for both economy and relations overall. Then there's more capitalism. Oh don't we all hate taxes? (except me, but I live in Sweden, where we had lowered taxes after the last election, which has led to more inequities. I would hate it in the US too. I wouldn't wanna give a dime to that gov't.) Although, a country with total capitalism (like the US almost is), becomes VERY segregated and unequal. If you're lucky/born rich/really strive and do the right choices, you can get STINKING rich. But most people have it kind of shitty. working 2-3 jobs with kids to support and it barely goes around. that barely exists at all in Sweden. We have almost no homeless people here either. you have to really fuck up a million times to get homeless. I mean, the social protection will even pay an apartment for you if you can't get a job and your job-money-organization-days are over. we don't have poor people here. I mean really poor. at least they are very few in comparison with the whole population. I got a little side tracked there.. sorry.. hehe. When it comes to segregation in the US compared to i.e. Sweden (I'm ruling out the fact that you have 350 million people and we have nine million, which really matters a lot when it comes to taxes, education etc etc etc, to make it easier), education is a BIG issue. Since capitalism is the major agreed-upon and ruling "phenomenon", everyone has to pay for their own education (it's free to go to school in Sweden. From elementary throughout University. You are even granted an allowance and a loan if you attend university), lower classes of people (naturally people born with slimmer chances, like blacks, white trailer park people, poor Mexican immigrants etc) doesn't have the same opportunity to get a proper education as the richer people have. This also produces more time when you don't have anything to do, and you don't have much money either, and these people are shoved together (remember, capitalism rules) into places where the living is cheap (and low standard). This produces higher crimes. Then on top of this, loads and loads and LOADS of both legal and illegal weapons circulating. I don't blame the black/Mexican/-insertPoorMinority- for this, but the greedy, rich (mostly white) people running the companies and country, feeding capitalism and (only) the (oh so economically interested) "facts" on how the world works.(capitalism and richness produce more greediness). Instead of pushing the products that is best for the people throughout both the production chain (good for workers, environment etc) and through the life of the commodity at hand, when it has reached the hands of the consumer, they push for the product with the lowest production cost (most often bad influence on the environment and the producing worker's health and salary), which has poor quality, so when it breaks after a very limited time, you have to buy another one. Making more money for the rich, more pollution through production and through waste, and widening the split between rich and poor. Then we have the world where the BIG players matter, like the US in foreign affairs, the middle east with their oil and their (very few, but still existing) extreme fundamentalists, china, with an exploding economy and a weird mix of communism and capitalism, and Russia who are kinda hard to put your finger on what role they're playing -and are going to play in the future- it's kinda worrying. When the weather extremes get worse (regardless if it's man-made or not), with more hurricanes destroying both homes and food sources, and more floods ridding people of their homes, their food and spreading diseases, with the himalayan/alps/-insertMountains- glaciers melting more and more each year, the deserts growing, the people increasing in numbers, and on top of that, global politics, a fullblown, nuclear world war is inevitable as I see it. The tension doesn't really decrease. Even if the November Election between Obama and McCain is a show for the sheep, it seems like the people pulling the strings will take different approaches of world economies, with McCain as head figure a more agressive aproach seems to be on the table, contrary to if Obama wins, they might take a more subtle approach, at least in the preluding (correct word?) years. (Don't take me for some kind of nationalist or racist towards others, all I want is equality, and people to be nice to each other, regardless of color or heritage. And I want to get rid of this lack of fair play. Why does these juppies always have to go in their own VIP lane, behind the curtains, pushing the market/politics in the way of their own economic interests? Why can't people just be honest, play fair and be nice to eachother? ) One love, One people!