Monday 26 September 2011

The blog post that kinda gets stuck in the throat on the way out

I was reading this blog (my own) and chuckling proudly (!) to myself over how much disgust I'm apparently able to spew over inequities and dull, indifferent mainstreamers. I'm still contemplating whether I should make this post or not, I mean, I have to continue in the same fashion as before, *BAM* wall of text dripping with disgust, or it would lower the overall feeling of reading it (I doubt many more than a few are, but that's unimportant).

Anyway, here I am, still writing...After this introductory piece of self-righteousness and salutations of my own moral- and intellectual superiority (lol) I might as well narrow it down and be getting to the point (or AT LEAST starting to beat around the bush). Before I do that (huh! you thought I was getting there! gotcha!) I've gotta warn ya, this post might come off as a bit smug. I'm kinda in the mood for that, but who knows where my fingers will take us?

When I was slicing potatoes earlier for a vegetarian form of dauphinois bolognese, I started thinking, as I always do when in the middle of mundane tasks, washing dishes, mincing veggies etc. I was pondering the fact that if my mind can conceive these ideas of how a form of elevated society might look, and firstly; what in today's society needs to be removed/added in order to lift all our lives from this short sighted and barbaric way of shambling around with our bodies all day, doing unethic deeds out of laziness and calling it "life".

I can formulate ideas and visions in my mind as people have always done before, the way Marx and Lenin did on how we could improve ourselves and each other. (See, not only am I comparing myself with Marx and Lenin, I'm also beautifying social engineering and advocating it. Smug AND untrustworthy). Then can others. In vast numbers. I must believe this for therein lies my faith in humanity. We must break free of the boundaries which limits our way of constructing a vision of society within our minds in order to compare a feasible world with our current reality. First of all, people in general needs to understand this.

This reality where we are now, is not going to be seen as the very best we could do in x years. It is not the utmost prosperity. It will be remembered, I think, as a time of very fast growth and very shortsighted thinking.

There is more. Your mind is limitless if you let it be. You must dare your visions and theories to be taken to the limit and beyond, in your mind in order to really see how reasonable they are, and when you do, endless possibilities of playing with ideas will emerge. In an unimaginable web of cause-and-effect choices in the space-time-continuum, you will begin to see not only how the politics of today in many ways plays on the narrow minded thinking in the likes of "what will I get out of it?". It is absolutely human to allow yourself to think in those lines, but at the same time, the vision that I have of parliamentary democracy is more like constitutional government than "democracy". Or at least, when casting your vote, you must acknowledge this, or (in my opinion) this post and the point I'm trying to make, is unimportant and all hope is lost (no, really).

I do this exercise on a daily basis both for kicks and giggles and as a reality check.
(I stopped writing here because of a terrible stomach ache and I returned to finish this post probably over a month later, so the rest of the post might be hard to follow point wise, as it is not written in the same mood and with the same point as consciously anchored as in the beginning of the post.)
As well as a way for me to let myself in on the fact that this here and now is not some untouchable, eternal truth.

It's refreshing to see the #occupyWallStreet-movement, this somewhat restores my faith in humanity, to formulate massive protests against contemporary ways of life (economics). This sparks a small light that might be hope. It proves that the point I was making earlier actually has a foundation in reality (huh, never thought THAT would happen!).

So, there is hope, and there is definitely a possibility to reshape our society through the general willingness of a more just system where we can live together in harmony, which, believe it or not, is my goal. The problem, still, comes down to the details which is as important as pointing out the flaws and formulating the vision, if not even more important. However, if you're just pointing out flaws and creating the practicals details for solution without connecting this to a vision, it will be hard if not impossible to have reforms and rules in different areas of society working in the same direction.

This brings us again to my criticisms of contemporary politics, especially right winged ones. Many different flaws are pointed out and solutions are implemented. People vote for this because they concur with the idea of the flaw and accepts the practical solution as a logic and feasible one. But if you're not honest enough in letting people know towards what goal or vision you are striving, and one is not interested enough to contemplate this before approaching the ballot, the voter is (partially self blameworthy) not casting a fully conscious and informed vote. While left winged politics might have too much of the vision-part and not enough practical solutions and details which is also quite bad. The vision might be a noble one and the flaws definitely worthy of pointing out, but then we have the "details", as in reforms and possibly sacrifices when it comes to your own comfort. Although I would say that the left politics here are, to me, both a vision I can agree with, as well as flaws I see as imminent threats to our society as a whole AND reforms that I am ready to stand behind, even though it would mean i.e. higher taxes for me personally, there is another problem that I have yet to explore which is PR. I don't really have the energy for it today, though.

To return to the beginning; if we are able to formulate the vision, see AND point out the flaws as well as reach possible solutions which connects the flaws with the vision, then the only thing missing is conveying the message to others around us, discussing and refining ourselves and our theories.

If your stuck in eating, sleeping, fucking and going to work, you're not really using your mind. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" as Dead Prez formulated it. They are right in this. To me, what really differentiates people from animals is not consumerism, it's not careers (as packs of animals also has careers, pecking orders etc) nor is it accepting mainstream and thinking that there is nothing more. It's using your mind. It's letting your imagination take you to places beyond what you thought was possible. It's making use of that lump of fat you have and reaching beyond your greatest self-imagined boundaries. Your inner world is greater than you think, and the more you explore it, the vaster it will grow.

But then again, what are ideas without action?
That is my next step. What's yours?

Friday 9 July 2010

My visionary future society

I read this article in the Swedish newspaper ETC about the unquestionable 40h workweek and arguments for alternatives, as in less hours at work every week.

This made me envision another society than what we're currently living in. This "vision" of mine, or what you want to call it, also holds influences from a place I visited about a month ago.

There's this place in this city where I live where a whole block of rental apartments works as a collective community. The atrium area, situated between these houses consists of small garden plots, green houses, a small hen house, berry bushes, fruit trees etc. I've also been reading lately in the same news paper as mentioned above, ETC, about small scale green energy production.

My vision consists of this article I read, a lowering of work hours to 6 hours a day, and to build all new blocks of rental apartments, and edit consisting ones to be like the communal one, where you can grow your own veggies, and where one builds solar cell panels and/or wind power stations on the roofs of these buildings, to get each community partially self-sufficient. The apartment buildings should also be constructed to be as conservative as possible concerning energy usage, and be well isolated to prevent heat leakage during the long and cold winters of Sweden.

There needs to be a significant change of the goals in the current professional sector, though for this to be implementable. To continue to strive for endless growth, for the working people to endlessly be able to increase the amount of work one can do in a given time frame, and for people to consume goods just for the sake of consumerism as it's own goal. Consumerism for profit, regardless of how much this rapes our planet? Is it just me or is it an ignorant, unsustainable and inhumane way of production? It's not possible in the long run, which is evidently confirmed by the continually occurring economical recessions and the contemporary ecological disasters.

Banks, investors and governments, running the same impossible treadmill. Men of power playing their casino games with normal citizen's money, or the board of members caring more about protecting the few investors' wallets than their thousands of employees livelihood. I'm not saying that this or that company should stop giving a damn about the investors.

I'm saying that the whole fucking system is rank. it's rotten and it's not sustainable.

Neither when it comes to ecological, humanitarian or in any other way than short-sighted profit motives. "When your roots are forgotten, your fruits will rotten" as Promoe (Looptroop Rockers) say's in the "Fruits of Babylon". The metaphor I'm trying to convey here is that the employees' value is constantly forgotten. Lenin was right in this matter, the workers in the western world receives this incitements of quite good working conditions and salaries, money which is taken from the environmental and worker's conditions, and salaries from the third world employees. International economic imperialism, sustained by the working class in the west and therefore continually operational and protected from the proletarian revolution since the minds of the proletariat is befouled by the thoughts and views of the bourgeoisie.

Appalling. Nauseating.

Shit's rank and the whole society needs to transform. Cold, inhumane motives needs to stand aside for a new age of sustainability and humanitarian thinking.

I can in no way concur with a system where greed is put on a pedestal and worshiped to such heights that rich, white middle-aged male's greed is what's ruling the world. Seriously, what the FUCK? know what I mean?

With this 6h work day, one could spend the remaining hours of the week to produce one's one food. electricity would be cheep since every community would produce at least part of their own electricity. With less time at work, a more participatory democratic system would be feasible.

Not everyone wants to spend their "free" time with their ass towards the sky and their hands in the soil. What also would be desirable would definitely be various communal workshops. Both cultural and musical ones, as well as software/electronic etc. My vision consists of compact cities which in turn consists of these blocks of communal part-self-sufficient accomodations with gardens and power stations. This goes hand in hand with people going around town on bikes or public transport. For longer distances, a well extended net of public transportation could be combined with carpools with both electric and hybrid cars.

The vision of my future sustainable and loving society lingers in my mind but is stained by the current way of life and way of human beings and their inhumane, selfish ways of interaction with, and exploitation of one another.

Sunday 28 February 2010

The intellectual and moral revolution

The Babylon disease. Feeling that your entire being resents what is seen as the norm. And how the system works, to benefit the bigger fish and exploit the smaller.

What is seen as OK and good is appalling. The fact that to be normal is to eat unethical, unhealthy food, to care only for yourself, to sharpen your elbows and plough through the mass of people standing there to hopefully receive what is rightfully theirs. To turn your back to the exploited third world. To ignore how, almost prophetically true Lenin's thoughts about "imperialism" and "the highest state of capitalism" (even though I don't agree with his means to reach the goal). To forget the Heroes: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and the anti-violent equality and rightfulness of all people that they stood for. How the norm is to be selfish, greedy and uncaring for "thy neighbour" in order to reward yourself on the cost of others.

How it is OK to exploit and pollute our foundation, the mother that gives birth to what gives us shelter, food in our bellies, water to quench our thirst. How it is OK to just trample on that and load up one's garbage on the plate that feeds you. It is okay as long as you can profit from it and hide it behind the product in a shiny package.

This is the norm, simply because this is what we are exposed to from when we wake up in the morning to when we go to sleep at night. We are constantly bombarded by this exploding vomit of commercial messages and information in the public forum that is all around us. What is even more twisted from my point of view is that this is completely OK...As long as you pay for it, "anything goes", pretty much, no matter how immoral it is. But if you don't have a permit and you create wonderful art which doesn't try to jump into your arms (via your wallet), or tempt you to spend money, it's a crime! Even worse so if it questions the current norms of society, appalling!

(Respect to the artist (Banksy) and photographer respectively, source: )

Fortunately, the anonymous rebels of the dark nights radical art, the artists spreading the word, questioning rules, norms etc. Questioning the current view of (wo)man. Questioning the fact that it's OK to have a very low sense of moral, as long as you can cash in on the other end of it. How can that ever be OK? How can some fucked up, dehumanizing, immoral means be justified by a shiny packed new gadget that only a few percent of the world's inhabitants can afford to "consume"? Which also in the end, after it's life as a gadget that is, is turned into garbage and contributes to that vast mountain of polluting shit that is dumped on the same foundation that feeds us.

People like general knas, kapten röd, syster sol, cricket¸ svenska akademien, Promoe etc. keeps the hope up that maybe the next generation won't agree upon this immoral, polluting, exploiting chain of bullshit that just numbs us into indifferent, ever continuing jackoff-excuses of what is currently known as humanity.

Because, frankly, I just don't see the point of this society. There is nothing intellectually rewarding in consuming stuff to quench made-up needs, which in the end is just there to produce money for the jet set, who already have way too much for anyone's good.

What we need is a moral, anti-violent crossed-arms-revolution. What we need is a new Gandhi, as an avant-garde for all of us infected with the babylon disease and who are sick of this way of life from which one cannot escape. The only way is to change it into something better. It starts with you.

Monday 28 December 2009

From meaningless to meaningful

This post could be seen as a "positive" post, in it's dooms day melancholy, if that's a thinkable combination.

Anyhow, I've gone through a quite harsh time of decisions this fall. The choices I've been pondering was either to start studying, to continue at work where I am now which I hate, or to try to find a new job that could be more ideologically rewarding or meaningful on a personal level. I applied for a job as a Linux server manager, got to two interviews but decided to decline the offer because it didn't feel right. It would pay more but who needs the extra money when that's not what you're interested in? (hah, sounds unthinkable, doesn't it?)

So I didn't take the job, and I decided that the internal destruction and decadence of the inner me at my current work situation wasn't an alternative, since it would clearly make me go crazy for real if continued. Therefore I decided to take a semester of political science and got leave from work to do that full time.

Never in my life has any decision in the "professional" part of life felt this right. It's indescribable how good this feels. The drawback is that it doesn't really lead to very much professional progression, but it's rewarding in the sense of evolving as a human being.

This is kind of a key point of my view of the world and western society. It's not really OK or encouraged to do something economically negative that enriches ones personal desires and evolves your creativity and personality. See, it doesn't produce money. Money. What the fuck is up with the obsession of constant economic growth? Not only on the business level but I can feel this pressure from society itself. I can feel the question hanging in the air: "but what do you achieve with this?" in a definite economic sense. This is what's been holding me back from taking this step for about 2 years. I decided on "fuck it, I'll do what I want" and then did it, but it took me two years of more or less psychotic attacks and general miserability, lack of energy to do anything on my spare time etc. I mean, what's the point of going to work to earn money if all it gives you is miserability and a pile of useless money on your account, when there's no spiritual growth-point in mindless consumerism of stuff you don't need, and when you don't have the energy to do anything with your spare time and money, but sitting around and feeling terrible? Nah man, fuck that shit, it ain't worth it.

So now I'm gonna do something that makes the inner me feel good and joyful and where I can feel a personal growth and a spiritual connection between my inner and outer selfs. Where I can feel that the I within is in tune with I. Where I can feel the presence of my inner divinity. You can call it Jah, or what you refer to when saying "Namaste" ("I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells, I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Integrity, of Wisdom and of Peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are One."

Feeling that I fit in for once. At work, I continually feel like the black sheep, even though it somehow feels good, it also drains my energy to be the only colorful radical in a dead, black-and-white reality. It feels good in the sense that I probably, on some low level affect these people to open their hearts and minds towards new things, towards something different and unfamiliar, but it drains me too much. I need more like-minded people around me to carry on in Babylon.

I reckon my expectations on my future study mates are quite high, but I can't help it. I want out of this place of dead minds and boring people. I don't want to spend most of my hours awake with people I can't relate to, with people I don't feel any spiritual connection with.

The decision I've made has economic consequences, but I'll simply have to handle it. It's worth it. Life is, when it comes down to it, only what you make of it. Nothing more, nothing less. You have to make meaning in life, unless you, by a miracle, "find" meaning. So I reckon this is me making life meaningful to live. It's me listening to what's inside, to the I within I.

This is hopefully the turning point. This is where I stop passively tagging along, and start actively taking the wheel and steering my life towards something that is in the beginning rewarding for myself, and hopefully I will turn this goodness towards the rest of ya'll.

I think my personality the last, probably 2-3 years, have changed from being a pretty distinct doer to a more visionary thinker. My view of the world, and how I want the world to become has changed from accepting the shit for what it is, towards contemplating the miserability of it, and finding ways to how I can change it. If I can do what I can do, others can do their bit, and together we can pull our straws towards making it a more equal place, more in harmony with nature and a more sustainable place. Maybe a bit less meaningless stuff, a bit less for the stinking rich, but for the benefit of the many less fortunate, and for a sustainable ecosystem.

In this time of inner struggle I see the light. I see the light of studying, of doing something that enriches myself that I can hopefully use to make this world a better place.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Run your head into the wall, to wake up from your mindless rat race!

Sitting here, watching my inner screen how people around the western world are running around their rat race. Not seeing what they do to Mother Earth. Not seeing what happens in the third world because of the exploitation of the capitalist system. It's all about consuming, about going to work everyday, enslaving your mind with numbness of your paid slavery. Then at home, after stressing through your average day, you go to a store to buy some ridiculously expensive gadget or piece of clothing that costs several hundred times more than what the enslaved child with a chain around his ankle, shackled to the machine he's working at, is getting. You do this to numb the voice inside you, YOUR OWN VERY SOUL for fuck's sake! To quiet the voice saying

"Seriously! What the FUCK is going on here? Are you not going to engage in ANY spirituality at all? Are you not going to look within yourself? Are you not going to listen to your own spirit? Why are you silencing yourself with worthless crap?"

People don't even have a political view anymore! This is also numbed to indifference leaning one way or the other. Nobody is burning for anything anymore. It's just commerce and consumerism broken off by running the rat maze at work.

Once again, I must cite my Teacher Of Life:

Don't forget your history;
Know your destiny:
In the abundance of water,
The fool is thirsty.
Rat race, rat race, rat race!

Rat race!
Oh, it's a disgrace
To see the human-race
In a rat race, rat race!
You got the horse race;
You got the dog race;
You got the human-race;
But this is a rat race, rat race!


"In the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty" SO
captures the essence of the western rat race world today.

Back in the day, back in the seventies, people had an opinion about stuff that is fucking WRONG in the world, now they just mumble something indifferent at inequities, starving children, humanitarian rights violations etc. They just give in to this mind consuming consumerism society. Money and stuff is "the opium for the people" today, and it pisses me the fuck off! Why won't you stop for a sec and look at yourself?! look at your fucking ugly gucci dress, your vuitton bag or your prada shoes! (note that I intentionally spelled the brands with small letters since I don't consider them worthy of a capital letter) Are they worth the ridiculous amount of money, just for the brand? So that you can show the world how totally deluded and ignorant you are about the rest of the world? Is it worth it, the children in Vietnam and cambodia who work 16 hours a day for barely enough to eat to create your expensive worthless shit?

I sit here, about to make some delicious vegetarian food in a minute, contemplating all this unnecessary meat consumption today. Why are you eating 400 grams of meat everyday? It's not even necessary if you are a hunter/gatherer. It's certainly not necessary if you sit on a chair all day "working" at a computer. (That's what I do. Stuck in Babylon)

There is nothing in any sort of meat you cannot get through the vegetables available. On top of that, a general meat eater requires the same space for food production as TWELVE VEGANS. not 5, not 10 but TWELVE. Food and clean water is already starting to run short in many places around this globe, so miss treated by ignorant humanity. (you go and look for the source, I can't be arsed) Besides, the global warming isn't exactly helped by the fact that the meat industry is responsible for TWENTY PERCENT of it, whereas the transportation sector is lingering at about 3.5 percent.

I learned something when I went out of Babylon to look at it from the outside on the other side of Earth. I have seen how people live in Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand etc. and what strikes me is the social retardation going on in western Europe and especially Sweden. This country is striving more and more to force everyone into being SHEEP. You can not think for yourself. Everything that is POTENTIALLY dangerous for any small part is forbidden or restricted. You are not allowed to judge what is right and what is not for yourself. This decision is made for you.

Now you might be sitting there, on the other end, as a reader, thinking: "This guy is a fucking commie, he should want to be-sheep the population" But I must say: Sorry mate,
I'm a liberal socialist, meaning I want the economy to be controlled by a gov't striving for equality, and the freedom of choice for the individual to be more free than it is today. We don't need to have these extreme punishments for drugs, we need to educate people of the positives and negatives of them. We don't need to have fines for someone giving a friend a ride on the back of his bicycle. Seriously! wtf!? In all of asia, THE WHOLE FAMILY goes on ONE motorbike and nobody wears a helmet! I'm not saying it's ideal to do this, what I'm trying to get through is that this amount of rules which "helps" people not to be forced to think, actually takes away the ability for people to make an educated judgement in a normal situation. The part of the population becoming adult now and in the near future will not have this ability. I'm not joking! It's a curling nation! Swipe all problems away, but you're not helping your child, you're making it STUPID, IGNORANT AND UNEDUCATED YOU RETARDED FUCK!

Is anyone even reading this? oh well..