Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Let I be free.

Just as the black man wanted to be free from the slavery and oppression put upon him by the white man, my soul wants to be free from this babylonian society.

As my soul is enslaved by this society built on money, it desperately shouts on the top of it's lungs how this "opium for the people" numbs the mind and puts the souls in line, unable to think nor act for themselves. Chained to the frames of "right" and "wrong" one dwells in short enjoyments like a new shirt and a latte. While doing this, people are working 16 hours a day to make the cloth of which your shirt is made, and pick the coffee beans in your latte. While people stand in acid up to their knees for hours and hours a day to make your shirt the right color, you have a short rush of endorphins in your brain when you've spent more money than they make in one month on that sweater. While they are sprayed with insecticides and suffers cancer, and give birth to malformed children, you zip on your sweet latte.

And everyday of the week, I must live in this disgusting mass of ignorant people, refusing to see what they are contributing to. And since this society is built on capitalism, I must buy what the mass demands, since the fair alternative barely exists. This makes me contribute to something I condemn the very existance of. And that is one of the chains holding my soul captive.

Work is another chain. What I do at work could never get me food, should society ever crumble and there would be a chaotic jungle. And the atmosphere and people is so much part of this enslaving society, this mass peregrination to soul decapitation, that they could never stand out of it and look at it's marvelous repulsiveness. This mass of same-thinking individualists conforming to the same bullshit. They are not individuals, they are a mass of conformists praising the moral values and their agreed-upon "right" and "wrong". Amidst this I sit. I sit and I create something I have no interest in. I sit there by myself, because all others live in their bubble of barbieworld.

The I within I is not free. Although I&I try...and we will succeed. Peace and love and open mindedness shall conquer before this time is over. A time of caring for others, a society where everybody is The Good Samaritan. And we shall have nothing more than what we need.

Thursday, 15 November 2007


The revolution is brewing.

You sit on your ass,
swallowing all they're feedin' ya
not knowing how to question
corrupted views controlling ya
indoctrinating, persuading ya.

preaching ignorance, controlling the masses,
feeding our children with words out of their asses
government controlling the headmasters,
controlling the teachers, preachers
never let you question, with the fear of you using your mind.

Thinking freely, is that a crime!?

free your mind!

No more lies! can't take their corruption.
Stand up and retaliate. Decide your own fate.
rebel against the state, make them worried.
Feel hurried, keep consuming, and you're sold.
They're controlling your dopamines with consumerism.
doesn't it already feel old? it ain't all gold.

Look into the eyes of a starving child
and tell me you need all this shit,
no matter the cost, no matter the pollution.
Who's gonna catch you when it collapses?
When the earth can't take it no more.
When nature strikes back, whose side are you on?

ditch your car, ditch your fancy suit.
The norm's saying "does not compute"
Motha fucka's tell you what you need,
they tell you to heed, well, sucka.
heed my words: think for yourself,
it ain't a crime. Yet.

Take action before they rule it all.
Before your child has a chip and a bar code.
Before you walk on poisoned soil
before you can't breath the air no more.
before you ask yourself: "what was it good for?"
Before they completely control you!

Soon you'll be sitting there in a cell
then it'll be to late, then you can try to yell.
yeah, they will hear ya, but no one will care.
gotta get the message through the air.

you follow the norm to stay warm.
Your mirror image in others' eyes
does it really matter what you wear
when the ship sinks and you realize
that you ate all their lies
without questioning, without criticizing.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Ignorant fools you are.

Keep on running in your hamster wheel. day after day, and when you get your pay, consume stuff you don't need. Trapped in a world of ignorance, narrowmindedness and oppression. Eat your burger and feel good about destroying the environment, eating life brought up like plants, massproduced without love. You are driven by greed to be one of the selected few. Wear your suit with expensive brandnames, made from the same cotton as my worn out jeans. Comb your hair to be presentable to your god: £ pounds $dollars and €uro. Then you can die a happy man, knowing that you polluted, harvested life as grown plants, knowing that your mountain of consumed goods is big enough to take you to your heaven of money and greed. But when the lights go out, you will know, you did this for nothing. all you contributed to was pollution, death and inequities, spreading your ignorance so others can do the same. You have been fooled, even though the truth has been in front of your eyes the intire time. You are an imprisoned slave, lured by your bottomless hunger for money and consumption, but you cannot realize it, you cannot see the bars of your prison, for it is in your own mind. If you did realize it, you would know that you've lived your life for nothing.

Monday, 20 August 2007


What the fuck is up with that? Some dick/bitch isn't gonna tell me what to wear, just because they believe that their own shit doesn't stink. If you wear your buttoned shirts and shiny shoes, that's up to you, but I'll be coming in worn-out jeans and a hoodie, no matter how much money you have. I don't care about your money or what brand of champagne you drink. That is of very little importance. What is more important is the fact that the cost of your stuff or the pace with which you consume unnecessary stuff cannot, and will not cover the stench of your shit. In fact, the mere thought of you promoting an ugly meat mass production, poor-country slave labor, child labor, and environmental pollution only makes your shit stink more. You cannot hide the mountain of shit behind your back with a pair of shiny shoes. No I will not comb my hair because it disturbs you. No I will not buy a new pair of jeans, because the holes in those I wear is like birdshit on a clean window, in your eyes. And no. I will not wear a buttoned shirt, nor drive a car, nor apply to the norms that you think are right. Because I am not your slave. I will never be your slave and you can never make me think I am your slave or servant. So fuck you, I will wear what I want, have my hair in ropes and ride my bike with my head held high.

Best before yesterday

This "thing" was created in a state of anger and frustration and will only be updated in that state of mind. It only presents one side of me, the rebellious side with a constantly raised fist, ready to strike "the Man" in the face with naked and ugly truth.

There is a possibility that this blog will have to share the angry state of mind with music-making.

Will I continue to write stuff about our society that care nothing about the people and only about money? Probably. The only way to know for sure is to check back again and again and again and again and...

What is this shit?

That is what YOU as a reader might have asked yourself at this point.
Well let me explain it if you didn't get it yet.

This blog is about me, an anonymous person, ranting in profound language about inequalities in the society today. English is not my primary language so if you find that I don't spell correct, don't bother.

So why this profound language? Because this is EXACTLY what the blog is about. I want to stretch what you can and cannot do. I don't think people will have nightmares because I use profound language in my blogposts. If you do get nightmares, then maybe you should contemplate whether you or me are doing something wrong (hint: it's not me).

This is also a ventilation valve for me, so most of it is probably written when I'm frustrated and angry, but that's what society makes you if you look at it from "out of the box".

This is also about me trying to make YOU realizing that the world is fucked up and that ME and YOU should do something about that. WE are gonna enlighten OTHERS of how much we are ass raped every day without even noticing.

So, open your eyes and get 'The Man's' dick out of your own ass and start hitting back!

Share your views if you agree. If you are happy in the society, and don't agree, open your eyes or fuck off. that's about it

Corporate world

The world is in a slumber of ignorance and misunderstanding
feeling is nothing, money is everything in the world of hypocracy
surrender to their retarded believes and sell your soul.
You are decieved to think you have your own will, but you have already sold your soul to the highest bidder.

Multi corporation bullshit

The Beloved *Company*(trademarkcopyrightregisteredbullshit)

It took me 20 fucking minutes to find the page I was looking for on the corporation site. 20 FUCKING MINUTES of time wasting because of the bullshit organization running the entire world's population through need and money competition, save a few percents who actually think for themselves. This is unbelievable. If I would make the indecisions over here @ my company, you'd loose 40 000 customers in a heartbeat. We would in an instant grind your fucking installation cd's in the document destroyer, and install a free software alternative instead. I Don't even get it how you can hold this low a standard and still people buy your crappy shit. I have never, and will certainly never pay a dime for your bullshit programs which are made for free, by others, with sharing socialistic thoughts instead of your capitalistic bullshit!

So [insert company name]: FUCK YOU, you fucking vultures!

(p.s. Switch tab order on your login-shit so that when I hit tab-enter after writing the password, I get to the login button instead of the forgot password-link. D.S.)

(I will not be held liable in a court of law since this is figurative and doesn't spell out any names.)


As you might have understood, there's more to the frustration than the 20 minutes of my time that got wasted. It's also the fact that they keep delivering software throughout the world even though they are far from the best. Other similar softwares are delivered with much, much more advanced technology which is more reliable when it comes to bugs and crashes, which costs less (or are free) and which is also more often given out in new versions. For free. So why doesn't the organizations of free software own the market? Because people are afraid of something that seems too good to be true, and they are comfortable in a buggy, ugly and old environment (!). They want to pay money for something that doesn't work as good as the free versions does. And the Evil One also keep installing backdoors to check if you really paid for your copy of their shit. Although, listen carefully now, it was the buggy, ugly shit that costed money that didn't sell. it was that software that had to cut 60% of the price off since no one in their right mind would pay for it. HAHA! You got owned by people who has realized that "The Future Lies not in Profit but in Shared Knowledge". Now it's a time of waiting and contributing so that the free world can take over this capitalistic shit.